Monday 19 March 2012

sammary 2

                                                                Summary 2

      The Boeing worked with NASA to make a new supersonic aircraft. When the Boeing and the NASA

Finished the design they started working on their prototype. The prototype was a small remote control  

Aircraft and the prototype was a success. The next step was to make the real thing but unfortunately 

NASA has left the Boeing phantom. The Boeing tried to relive the project that they failed at. So they

Went to Cranfiled Aerospace for help the X-48B. Boeing estimated that the weight was 500 pound and

They built it from composite materials that are very light and it can fly up to 120 knots. After NASA heard

About it they setup a fly scheduled data. It was the begging of November 2006. But in late research the

project was appended


autopia. (2010, april 4). Retrieved 2 21, 2012, from wired:
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